New Year TT League
New Year TT League
Rajkamal Kosaraju (
Raj Kosaraju   (678) 339-9836
Jan 28, 2017 12:00 AM
Dec 31, 1969 07:00 PM
Table Tennis
Singles, Doubles
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  • U18 Boys Singles Amateur
  • U18 Boys Singles Challenger
  • U18 Boys Singles Master
  • U18 Boys Doubles Amateur
  • U18 Boys Doubles Challenger
  • U18 Boys Doubles Master
  • U18 Girls Singles Amateur
  • U18 Girls Singles Challenger
  • U18 Girls Singles Master
  • U18 Girls Doubles Amateur

Under 18, Adults/Open
Round Robin
$5.00 (Singles), $5.00 (Additional Format)


This is a flexible Table Tennis league in Atlanta area. • You will play at least 4 different matches during the league and a chance to play a playoff. • We will find you an opponent; all you have to do is play and report the score. You will play at your convenience in your home or a near by club of your choice, by coordinating with your opponent. • If you are planning to play doubles, both partners need to register separately. If you don't have a partner, we'll assign a partner for you• All winners from each draw will get a Trophy. Top two players from each group will play a playoff SemiFinals and Finals to win the City Championship. The value of the Prize depends on # of players in the league. • You are expected to show the utmost sportsmanship and play according to official Table Tennis rules. • Any player can report the score and the opponent will get email when done. • If there are not enough players available for the level or the age group you selected, we will select the next higher level available. • All decisions from the tournament admin are final and can't be contested. • We will try to place all your opponents in closest possible way, but sometimes, you may need to drive a little far. To find a Table Tennis club near you, please contact the tournament admin. • Once you register for the league, please invite your friends using Invite Player option on the tournament page. Feel free to spread the news by whatever means and “Like” us Facebook. Good luck and enjoy the game.
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