Connecting Players, Coaches and Clubs
Tournament/Match | Event | Opponent | Score | Date | Winner |
OneShot Pickle and Singles | Men's Singles 2.5 60+ Men's Singles 2.5 |
Rich Nurik | (0 - 0) | Nov 19, 2022 | Wendel Matthews |
Men's Singles 2.5 60+ Men's Singles 2.5 |
Paraj Mathur | (1 - 11) (1 - 11) | Paraj Mathur |
Rich Nurik
(0 - 0)
Nov 19, 2022
Wendel Matthews
Paraj Mathur
(1 - 11) (1 - 11)
Paraj Mathur
Sport | APR (S) | APR (D) | APR (M) | Matches Played |
Win - Loss | Matches Win% |
Scores | Score Differential |
Win% | SD/MP | SD/MP +Win% |
Pickleball | 2.742 | 2.75 | 2.75 | 2 | 1 - 1 | 50.00 | 2 - 22 | -20 | 8.33 | -10.00 | 40.00 |
GP: Games Played, Pos: Position, FG: Field Goals, 3P: 3point, 2P: 2Point, FT: Free Throw, ORB: Offensive Rebound, DRB: Defensive Rebound, AST: Assist, ST: Steals, BLK: Blocks, PTS: Points